Saturday, July 18, 2009

Creative and Logical Minds

In our everyday lives we encounter all types of people and categorize them in our heads without even realizing it. The categories I'm referring to today are of creative and logical minds.Using this concept in your everyday walk through of life will help you understand the thought process behind the words of the people you listen to or except advice from.

The basics are the two hemispheres of the brain left and right were your left hemisphere dominates in logic such as your times tables, knowing how to put together a puzzle or solving riddles. Then there's the right hemisphere that is responsible for all your creative intentions such as musical interpretation, what colors would look best on the living room walls or creating the perfect flower arrangement.

Now we all have both hemispheres just some of us use one or the other more predominately. Which is the difference in your scientists and artists. Defining the two is what you have to look for and not everyone is so revealing. Traits such as knowledgeable,compassionate,strategic,open minded,orderly and pack rat all help in determining if the person favors logic or creativity.

The Creative Minds

Our creative minded people live for the moment they find uses for the useless they redefine what we think we know.These are the people that make decisions on feelings instead of facts they take the path in hopes of where it might take them instead of fear of getting lost. The right hemisphere users look at what could be instead of what is already there and tend to leave the powers of the universe to decide what will happen to them. Life is a mold and what you do with it for them. Things don't have to make sense it just has to seem that it could.

You have your painters,musicians,writers and photographers which clearly display creativity but what about architects, pyrotechnics engineers, or vehicle designer. The ways to be creative are abundant all uniquely describable. The key is ask your self what are you making and if you have and answer then you are displaying creativity as long as you decided what you are making. If your making something how you were told too your just following directions but the creative minded will create from they're subconscious the non thinking inspirational part of the mind that influences random thought dreams and ideas. That subconscious part of the mind is what the creative minded thrive and depend on.

Our creative minded people display characteristics of living in the moment, open mindedness, passionate for people or there goals and their art, understanding abstracts, having ideas , getting in a grove and going with the flow, having faith, having hope, displaying emotions and thinking outside the box. These are the people that give inspiration.

The Logical Minds

Our logical minded people live for what makes the most sense.They are the people who make decisions solve problems find the links between things and utilize what they know while making inferences.They define what is and how it is. They out way decisions with pros and cons they work well with lists. These are the individuals that answer our questions. They thrive on understanding and reason. They know that there is a reason for everything and spend life figuring it out.

You have your rocket scientists, philosophers, and chess players that clearly show logic being used but what about your construction site guys and your cleaning lady. Anything that has to do with an order has to do with logic. The left hemisphere user predominately is using the conscious mind which is the part of the brain that you use when you think , when you refer to fast moving vehicle has enough force to kill you so don't walk into the road. Its the part of the mind that makes inferences on what you know to understand how you should interpret your environment. The conscious mind is what makes decisions.

Our Logical minded individuals display characteristics of the decision maker, understanding the obvious, mechanically inclined, doing what has to be done, problem solving, finding truth and putting the pieces together. This is where you get your orderly neat people where they have a place for everything because it makes sense. These are the people that put ideas into action.

Putting it together

Overall its not which one is somebody, logical or creative it is what are they predominately and when your analyzing an associate,coworker, or a friend you have to way that out for yourself. We are all both some of us more than others but picking out the deferences is all made from your inferences.

Labeling the people in your life as creative or logical will help you understand who to go to for help with your life's problems and it will help you understand why people say or do what they do.In the end its all about different methods to live life and by interpreting those methods helps us understand how someone lives they're life and with that you'll better understand the people around you then all that's left is understanding yourself so what are you Logical or Creative?